Clothes manufacture in the Mainland

Monday, November 28, 2005

Some more pictures from our collegues

We quickly discovered the world popular sexual tourism
Eating Bamboo!!! Very Nice and tasty!

Some of the tracks done on Bicycle which resulted in serious seating disorders on the next day



Some more nature without the french kid

King of Guilin

The famous Mr. Lin

This lake is great, I never would have thought getting such a nice view of it!!!

Rice fields

On the bamboo boat...everything is made out of Bamboo here!

Good food, very good!!! And the juices are 100% made of fresh fruits pressed no more than five minutes earlier

On the river Li calmly floating our way between the mountains

My future of them


Riding the bicycles through the villages

Some non english speaking chinese that gave us the opportunity of practicing italian a.k.a. aggressive and relentless gestures!!

No heating in the 8$ a night hotels downtown so we slept dressed up!! Ha ha!!


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