Clothes manufacture in the Mainland

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Simanov Clothes manufacturing under the red star

Well, the story is a little out of the box but the week-end was great,

Simon saw an advertisement for an old factory that the politburo was putting on sale in the scenic province of Guangxi. It was not very cheap, but through the local French business entities and some help via the good commonwealth relations Canada has with HK, the HSBC extended us a credit of 500 000USD for 5 years. We quickly booked a plane to Guilin from where we took a bus to the location in Yangshuo on the next day.

The local government had a good feeling about us and the work had already started when we got there.

We got ourselves a nice villa and got a little piece of land as a sign of gratitude for the investment we did on the region.

We have a couple of animals but we gave them away to some needy locals.

Our neighbor is very nice as well. She grows the famous local oranges and gave us some samples so that we can promote the export of the fruit once our own business has implemented steadily.

The same goes for the closest restaurant owned by Mr Lin. He gives away "original" paintings to promote his business, but we promised that his excellent lost in the middle of nowhere cooking will soon be world renowned with a little bit of our help.

...Mr. Lin's shack

From there on we just got ourselves a bicycle (because any other transport is as densely crowded the Chinese in the streets are) and went through the region to discover our new neighborhood. Close by is a 500 year old bridge and a natural arch at the top of one of the hills named Moon Hill.

There were lot of other bridge and scenic phenomenons on the way but the memory on my camera was too limited to post so
thouroughly the whole experience here!!!!
Nobody told us the geological phenomenon that caused the hills to form in such an unusual way,
but we sure understood where the imagination that created the mystic Chinese culture came from!

We came back with the last possible transports to Hong Kong (3 buses, a plane and 3 taxis…plus a whole lot of running). Got home at 3 in the morning ready to get back to school on the next day. A local manager is taking care of our business until we come back some time around Christmas for the beginning of operations. We bribed enough officials as to be starting our clothes manufacturing line as early as January, if comrade Jintao doesn’t get in the way again!

The famous Moon Hill. Why does a whole in rock make so many people excited anywhere in the world anyways???

The desire of getting to the top got the best of us of course. It was so worth it!!!

Monday, November 28, 2005

Some more pictures from our collegues

We quickly discovered the world popular sexual tourism
Eating Bamboo!!! Very Nice and tasty!

Some of the tracks done on Bicycle which resulted in serious seating disorders on the next day



Some more nature without the french kid

King of Guilin

The famous Mr. Lin

This lake is great, I never would have thought getting such a nice view of it!!!

Rice fields

On the bamboo boat...everything is made out of Bamboo here!

Good food, very good!!! And the juices are 100% made of fresh fruits pressed no more than five minutes earlier

On the river Li calmly floating our way between the mountains

My future of them


Riding the bicycles through the villages

Some non english speaking chinese that gave us the opportunity of practicing italian a.k.a. aggressive and relentless gestures!!

No heating in the 8$ a night hotels downtown so we slept dressed up!! Ha ha!!